[un] equal values
The [un] Equal Values book focuses on investigating the relationship between spaces and the perceived value of individuals or groups within society. This involves exploring the discourse surrounding attachment to monetary currency and how it serves as a material expression of uneven economic development, political economy, inequality, hierarchy, patriarchy, norms, and the intertwining frameworks of social understanding. It also engages with David Graeber's anthropological research, highlighting how humans perceive themselves as beings who assess values, measure, and evaluate, often referred to as the "inherently calculating animal" (David Graeber, 2011).
This conceptual essay explores various modes of exchange across specific sites and social frameworks, starting with the question of the value of 10 pounds as a representation of fiat currency. It then extends this exploration globally, examining how the equivalent value of 10 pounds is perceived within different social frameworks, both in the present and historically. The essay raises questions such as why potatoes serve as a life-sustaining currency in rural areas or why female slaves were once considered symbols of aristocratic social status during medieval times. It aims to highlight that, despite its numerical measurement, value remains unequal across different social dimensions.

investigating various forms of value exchange, starting with the value of 10 pounds as fiat currency and extending to global currency, including:
- Thai baht
- Cigarettes as currency in prison
- Potatoes as currency in rural Georgia
- Cumal (slave girl) in Medieval Ireland
- 2.5% Zakat in Islam
- BTC in the digital world
- Potato mashers in Bafia culture
- Brixton pounds in Brixton
- 'Elephant’ tickets in Thailand
- 'Notgeld,' an emergency currency during World War I
- Euros in the Most Happy Country in 2024
- USD in the stock exchange
- Dolphin teeth ‘Tabua’ in the Solomon Islands
- 'The Currency’ piece by Damien Hirst in the art world
- Bars of salt in Ethiopia (1899)
- Afghan Afghani in the Least Happy Country in 2024
- ‘Sta-bigs' of the potlatch ceremony in the Pacific Northwest Coast
- Wheels of ‘Parmigiano-Reggiano’ Parmesan cheese in Italy
- Jars of beer in ancient Egypt
- Minutes of time
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